Gas Transmission System Operator of Ukraine and American Emerson Caught in Corrupt Collusion
31.07.2024 11:35

The state-owned company Gas Transmission System Operator of Ukraine (GTSOU) and a private company Emerson entered into a corrupt collusion in the public procurement of gas pressure regulators (ProZorro number - UA-2024-05-15-012715-a).

After the auction, some significant and gross violations were discovered in Emerson's documentation, which should have led to the company's disqualification from the auction. However, contrary to the law on public procurement, instead of disqualification, Emerson was given the opportunity to "correct technical errors." Such a procedure is used mainly in the case of grammatical errors, but not this gross violations.

This is evidence that GTSOU and Emerson are in close dialogue and communication, which on the other hand is strictly prohibited by law at this stage of the auction.

Based on the new package of documents that Emerson uploaded, it became obvious that the company receives unofficial instructions from GTSOU on what should be fixed and modified within their documents. And according to the law, this is strictly prohibited.

Our sources report that Emerson will, in fact, supply Chinese gas pressure regulators at the price of European-made ones. That is why GTSOU is ready to turn a blind eye to any violations and ensure Emerson's victory.

We wonder if Emerson's compliance department knows that their representatives enter into illegal agreements with the state company during the tender.